South African Budget Speech 2017

South African Budget Speech and Highlights 2017

Budget Speech South Africa 2017
Budget Speech South Africa 2017


What will the South African 2017 Budget Speech mean for you and your business?

Every Budget Speech is having have some kind of impact on the economy, taxpayers, savings and investment. So what to expect from the 2017 South African Budget Speech? What impact it will have on your and your business?

  • The general fuel levy will increase by 30cents.
  • The child support grants increased from R20 to R380 per month
  • Dividend Tax rate Increased from 15% to 20%
  • Corporate Taxes remained unchanged at 28%
  • New change, Personal Tax Income, for those with Taxable incomes above R1.5mil income Tax rate is 45%
  • VAT (Value Added Tax ) is remaining unchanged at 14%

Download here : South African budget speech 2017-highlights

Download here: South African budget-speech-2017